Saturday, December 11, 2010

Real Time GPS Tracker

The use of a global positioning system to monitor journeys has become widespread. The need for satellite navigational aids in cars is considered as an absolute necessity. Those who drive the vehicles can make sure that they are moving in the right direction and in the appropriate route. There is no need to seek assistance from bystanders en route. While undertaking long journeys, especially through unfamiliar terrains, satnav devices have become very handy. Equally important is the use of such devices in the crowded metropolis even by regular commuters taking their usual routes, as it will help them to concentrate on driving without bothering about other factors like traffic restrictions etc. The sat nav devices have offered complete freedom for the drivers from the responsibilities of manual monitoring the routes.

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Latest GPS supported devices intended for cars have varieties of novel features. 3D maps with periodical updating, line traffic alerts, voice navigation, speed limit monitoring and touch screen interface are among such special features. There are GPS systems which can provide language translation also. This facility will be of immense help to tourists or others on visits to foreign countries where the local language will be different. FM transmitters will relay voice direction through car stereo system.
Many of the modern cars are coming out of the assembly lines with state-of-the-art GPS systems incorporated in them as a part of the original equipments provided by the manufacturers. Such systems are featured with LCD screens and built-in antenna. They are sophisticated and more efficient but have two drawbacks. One is that the maps provided cannot be updated regularly. The other problem is the procedural or technical issues involved when the car is transferred to another person by the original owner. Because of such problems many car owners prefer buying separate GPS system which can be installed in any vehicle. Suitable systems are available in the markets with special features like FM radio, CD player and DVD player. Shoppers can choose a system which will fit into their budgets. Installation charges will have to borne by the users. The advantage is that the system can be shifted to another vehicle if required at a later stage. This is much cheaper option than the one that comes as original equipment integrated with the new vehicle.

Another alternative is to go for a portable GPS system. This option is also cheaper and can be shifted to other vehicles as and when required. There are many models of portable units available in the markets with diverse features. All types of GPS devices are preloaded with UK and Ireland maps. European maps are provided in CD’s. LCD screens of 3.5 inches to 4 inches with integrated digital cameras are provided in the modern GPS devices. The drivers will be able to receive all relevant information about traffic bottlenecks, alternate routes, fast tracks etc. In case of unexpected road blocks on the way the drivers can obtain guidance regarding shortcuts to reach their destinations without wasting time and fuel. Important landmarks like petrol stations, car parks, restaurants and other points of interests are also indicated for the information of the users.

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